A Miraculous Provision

I had a mutual friend ask a Chinese lady from Taiwan, “Would you like to learn English by studying the Bible?” She responded that she would so we made plans to meet on Thursdays.

The first Thursday we were to meet, I was still wondering what study book to use with this Chinese friend. That morning I attended our city-wide prayer meeting, and in our prayer time we divided into small groups of three.

I sat amazed when the lady beside me told me that she was a former missionary to Taiwan who had been responsible for the printing of not only Bible study books with Chinese on one side and English on the other, but the Bible as well. Yes, of course, they were available for Carol and me to use!

I later shared this incident with Carol. “See how much God loves you!“ I told her. This miraculous provision of the books was probably one of the things the Lord used to draw Carol to Himself.

God wants us to go forward believing that He will not only see the need before we do, but will also have provided the answer.

Thank You, Jesus, that You will provide in the future as You have in the past.

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